Radio Flea Market

The Radio Flea Market show airs every Sunday morning from 7:00 am to 8:00 am on WCBM 680 AM.  This show affords its listeners the opportunity to sell and buy items over the phone via the medium of radio.

Radio Flea Market is now in its 21th year... Tune in to hear your radio hosts assist YOU or a fellow listener to sell or buy a variety of items.  Radio Flea Market is the most listened to weekend show in the Baltimore area!

 Advertising Rates
One (1) :60 sec spot per show w/ mention at end of show  $100
One (1) :30 sec spot per show                                                $  55
One (1) :15 sec spot per show                                                $  40

The contract will be for a minimum of thirteen (10) weeks.  Ads can be changed weekly.  All ads will be done live by the on air host.  Editing assistance with ads will be provided by the producers of the show.  A 50% deposit is due prior to first airing.

 “ I was selling a parachute and got 21 calls!” Joe Snyder, Westminster, MD

“I sold 5 rooms of furniture through the show.” Shirl Meyer, Dundalk, MD

“Overwhelming, I sold my boat & got my price!” Tom Miller,  Catonsville, MD

Information about WCBM Radio… 
Majority of audience is over the age of 35
45% of the audience makes $85,000 a year
15% of the audience makes $140,000 a year
23% of the audience includes upper level executives

Call 410-561-0065!